Kurf 5″ x 20″ Heel-Proof

Kurf 5″ x 20″ Heel-Proof


Our newest linear pattern is a unique take on a type of cut normally made to facilitate the bending of a piece of wood. The “cuts” create a notched appearance that allows for plenty of drainage while still offering heel proof protection.

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Name / Design Kurf 5″ x 20″ Heel Proof
Product ID KUA5-20I21HP
Dimensions 4.81″ x 19.56″ x .81″
Drain Manufacturer
Fits ABT® PolyDrain®
ACO™ K100, K100S, KS100
MEA® 1000 Series
Material Cast Ductile Iron
Standard Finish Raw
Optional Finish
Baked On Oil Finish
Powder Coat
Weight lb(s) 8.95
Free Drain Area 18.56%
Gallons Per Minute (GPM) 22.90
Recycled Content 80%
ADA Compliant Yes
Optional Material Upgrades
Cast Aluminum
Cast Bronze
Copyright Registration No. VA 2-246-526

Additional information


Baked On Oil Finish, Raw